Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring Cleaning Urge

I've had the urge recently to do some thorough cleaning at home. Really scrubbing down the sinks, vacuum the floors, maybe even rearrange the furniture. Haven't had a chance to actually do it yet, but perhaps Saturday will give me an hour to devote to the cleaning that ordinarily gets shrugged off.

Today I've had a major feeling that my house is too cluttered. I have too much stuff; it's getting in my way. I want to take a look at those boxes of papers and projects that "I'll get around to" and decide whether I really want to. I mean, it would be tons of fun to do my own bookbinding, but am I actually going to do it? If not, should I really be holding on to all those masses of printed sheets I could just recycle instead of them taking space all over my living room?

I think I need my former roommate to come up and visit me so that she can help hold an intervention, like we've done with each other before. I'll even hold off until Passover week, so we can have a little seder together. :)

Of course, part of my desire to clean up the clutter is so that I'll have more room for working on projects. I haven't done any costuming in a while, and I've got a list of things I want to make. Some are for Pirate Fest, some are for balls, some are for my sweetie. My sewing setup as it is right now is rather cramped. Having a more open, welcoming space would be very conducive to more sewing.

I've also been thinking about spinning wheels. Actually fabulous visions of me sitting down to a spinning wheel in a nice homey room and getting a lot of meditative spinning done. :) First I want a book that explains to me how all the components of the spinning wheel work together, so I understand it better. That way there's a chance I could find an "antique" wheel on craigslist and know whether it could be operational or not. Then I can start in on the bags of fiber I have appropriated through the years.

How about you? Does the spring make you want to clean or start all kinds of new projects?


  1. Ooh! Speaking of, I saw a spinning wheel at an antique shop about two weeks ago, and totally thought of you! :)

  2. Drat, as much as I wish I could jump in the car and come visit this weekend (and enjoy a bit of horseradish and charoset with you!), I have a work-day project-day on Sunday. Otherwise, I'd so be there!

    As for wheels, my gut reaction is to recommend a small folding traveling wheel. I think the portability and compact nature would appeal to you more than a larger antique wheel. But I'll look for some links. :)
